Strategic Focus on Climate

At its September 2023 meeting of the Board of Directors, Maine Community Foundation (MaineCF) initiated a strategic area of focus on climate, committing financial resources, grants, investments, advocacy, collaborations, and partnerships toward a better climate future for Maine.  Additional strategic initiatives will be announced in early 2024, however this issue presented an urgent need - and opportunity for MaineCF to step up.

As the state has committed to, through the Office of Policy Innovation and the Future, Maine Won’t Wait – and MaineCF can’t wait to jump in and help address the growing causes and influences a changing climate has on our state – from culverts and roads washed out in western Maine to adapting sea life in the waters of the Gulf of Maine.  This impacts all of us.

As part of MaineCF's commitment to addressing climate issues, President and CEO Deborah Ellwood has been appointed to the Maine Climate Council, an assembly of scientists, industry leaders, bipartisan local and state officials, and engaged citizens to develop a four-year plan to put Maine on a trajectory to reduce emissions by 45% by 2030 and at least 80% by 2050.  And more of the foundation's resources will be marshalled toward these efforts, as well.

MaineCF plans to bring all the resources to bear that our organization can to drive solutions that reduce climate-harming emissions, advance responses to changes that are already occurring, and generate technology and programs that avoid further damage to our environment.  This builds on past initiatives in land conservation and energy efficiency, and MaineCF staff and board members are enthusiastic about accelerating it in the years to come.

This page will continue to be updated.  For more information, please contact Vice President of Community Impact, Laura Lee.

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